Join us for the next Praying for Freedom In Christ in Scotland event!

 Registration is closed for this event

19 August 2024

Online prayer gatherings during the Summer to pray into the Freedom Jesus has for those in Scotland.

Online Prayer Gatherings

For many months now,  both Sue, our Director of Prayer and Rob, our Executive Direcotr, have sensed the need to more intentionally press into prayer to see Jesus' freedom embraced further and wider across Scotland. So, in following what we sense is the Spirit's lead we are organising a Prayer Event over three evenings in the next three months. We hope they will be times of real encouragement and breakthrough, as we discern together Freedom In Christ's continued role in equipping the church to make free and fruitful disciples of all generations.


The prayer times on zoom will be held on the following dates, if you can make one or all of them, we would love to have you there.

  • Monday 17th June - 8-9pm
  • Monday 15th July - 8-9pm
  • Monday 19th August - 8-9pm


Click here to Register Your Interest


Mon 19 August 2024 20:00   through   21:00

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