At the beginning of the month, Freedom In Christ National Leaders from all over the world gathered for our four yearly conference; the first one since Covid and hosted in the UK! It was my first conference and also the first time of meeting people in 3D rather than on zoom! It was brilliant to spend time together and get to know more people from around the world.
The theme was 'Sharing the Treasure', each country sharing their journey and how they have used Freedom In Christ in their nations. Over the conference we had the honour of Dr Neil Anderson sharing a three part devotional and Steve Goss sharing the vision for the future of Freedom In Christ. Each night countries joined together to host coffee breaks with snacks from their countries - on Latin Americas night they played music and danced the night in true Latin American style - I watched (and recorded the evidence) from the sidelines as so many leaders let their hair down and danced to the beat!!
I had the opportunity to be part of the media team - we had leaders coming all through the day to share with us in front of the camera. It was incredible to hear heart wrenching stories and on multiple occasions I had to hold back my tears as I couldn't believe how much these leaders have suffered. It really does put things into perspective!
Saturday was a day out for the international leaders so we had our UK Team time. At the time of booking the event we didn't realise we would be sharing it with the King's coronation but looking back it was actually a perfect time! We all watched the live coronation and felt the emotion of the moment. We were able to pray for the King, our nation and each region. The Holy Spirit really moved in the room and His presence was palpable! In the afternoon, we heard from various team members speaking of how they are developing the Freedom In Christ message to reach more people. I feel genuinely excited to be part of something so much bigger, knowing that Freedom in Christ has reached 40+ countries and for the vision to be many, many more!!!
One of my favourite moments of the conference was when we were praising God in all our languages - it was so beautiful and even the memory of it brings a smile to my face, as I imagine it would be similar to that in heaven! We then gave a blessing over each other, I was at the back of the room and was just blown away by how it felt like a family blessing each other, looking around at all the different faces and knowing that we all had something in common; so much greater than us.
I feel so blessed to have these awesome experiences in the first year of working at Freedom In Christ. I'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to use the ministry and how we can reach more and more people to experience Jesus' freedom!

Just a few photos our time together...