Adele Coll

I became a Christian in December 2001 at The King's Church, Halifax where  I am
now on the leadership team. I worked for a number of years in The HAdele Collealing Rooms, Halifax and teach Precept's Ministries' Bible Study on a regular basis. I am on the teaching team with 'Heart For Truth' which works closely with Freedom in Christ and lead a fortnightly ladies discipleship group ('Girly Group', as we couldn't agree on a different name!).
I have worked at Christians Against Poverty as a Regional Manager since 2003, covering centres in the South and South West. I also have a part time business as a Consultant Trichologist and Expert Witness.
I adore Freedom in Christ (both having the real thing and the Ministry!) and witnessing the transformation it brings to people.  I've been teaching the course since 2005 and have taken almost 300 people through the course and the Steps to Freedom, both as away days and also individual Freedom Appointments, enabling church leaders to begin the FIC Ministry in their church.  
I joined the FIC teaching team in 2013 and am also the FIC Rep for my area.